Trying to make weekly journaling a habit? Here are 63 weekly journal prompts that’ll boost reflection, creativity, and self-growth.
Although I am a personal development blogger by profession, I am in no way a mental health professional. See my disclaimer for more info.
Hey, I heard you’re trying to get into the habit of journaling. First, let me just say, I’m so proud of you for wanting to do so.
Journaling is — in my opinion — one of the very best self-growth activities you can do. It promotes reflection and creativity, and even helps you improve your writing skills. Journaling may hard to transition to if you’re not already used to do it. I definitely didn’t enjoy journaling when I first started.
But, I eventually discovered my favorite journaling technique, and ever since then, I writing has been a big part of my life. I do take breaks from time to time, but I ultimately could never stop journaling. It gives me a place to share my thoughts and even somewhere to plan my daily responsibilities.
Enough of me! You’re here because you’re looking for some weekly journal prompts.
And that’s exactly what I’ve got to offer you. These weekly journal prompts will help you develop a journaling habit which, like I said, is imperative to your self growth.
By the end of this post, I hope you’ll feel inspired to start journaling every week and see how this small, yet mighty activity can change your life.
If you’re ready to get into it, let’s go ahead and do just that!
why should you do weekly journaling?
Whether you’re an avid journaler or you’ve only journaled a few times in your life, I’m sure you know a thing or 2 about daily journaling.
That’s the kind of writing where you do some form of journaling on a daily basis. This frequency is great if you’ve already gotten into a good habit of writing.
But, if you haven’t gotten to that point yet, it might feel particularly challenging to sit and journal every single day. That’s where weekly journaling can become helpful.
Journaling every week instead of every day makes for a smoother, easier, more natural transition into reflective writing.
So if you’re looking to make journaling a habit but don’t want to jump write into it, weekly journaling could be your key to doing so. Then, over time, you can start daily journaling.
Until then, though, let’s focus on weekly writing!
how to use these prompts
Before we get to the good part, I want to give you a couple of ways to actually use the following prompts. Chances are, you’re a beginner and don’t exactly know where to start, so allow me to explain.
When it comes to using a journal prompt, there are a few different ways to do it.
The easiest way is to take the prompt and directly answer it. With this method, you simply read the prompt and answer exactly what it says or asks.
Another, more flexible way is to use the journal prompt as a starting point. Read the prompt and then let your mind wander off wherever it desires. I prefer this method because it doesn’t restrict me to answering what the prompt says.
To each is their own though!
Throughout the year, I encourage you to answer the prompts in both ways. Sometimes you just want to answer them directly and other times you have a bit more to say, and that’s when the second method can come in handy.
As for how to literally use these journal prompts, you have a few options to choose from. You can either answer them:
- In the notes app on your phone
- In some kind of journaling app
- In a document like Google Docs
- In a journal
- On a blank sheet
- In my FREE daily journal printable – get it below ↓

Alright, now that you know why weekly journaling is beneficial for the beginning of your self-growth journey and how to use these prompts, it’s time to get into them!
There are 52 prompts for each week of the year, and each week has its own theme. There’s all kinds of themes like gratitude, mindset shifts, forgiveness, self-compassion, and so many more.
I also went ahead and included 11 extra prompts (totaling to 63 weekly journaling prompts) in case you need a few more ideas or you wanted to do some extra journaling throughout the year.
Just a reminder: Within each week are several questions for every topic. Of course, you can answer each one, but you certainly don’t need to. Do whatever makes you feel good, ‘cause that’s kind of the whole point!
Now’s time for the fun stuff. Are you ready? Let’s get journaling!
Weekly Journal Prompts
week 1 | gratitude
What is your definition of gratitude? How often do you practice gratitude? What are some things/people in your life that you’re most grateful for?
week 2 | values
What are your personal values? How did these come into fruition?
week 3 | personal growth
At point in your self-growth journey are you in? What kind of progress have you made, and what do you hope to get out of this life-long trek?
week 4 | self-reflection
This week, I want you to do some self-reflecting.
Think about one specific aspect of your life like your finances, relationships, career, mental health, or any other topic you want to focus on.
Once you’ve chosen a topic, take some time to reflect on the good and not-so-good parts of it. What’s been working for you and what are some changes you feel you need to make.
week 5 | goals
What do you think about goals? What are some of your short- and long-term goals in life? How will these contribute to your personal growth?
week 6 | overcoming challenges
Use this prompt to talk about a challenge that you’re had to overcome at some point in your life. This can be related to a health problem, social anxiety, financial troubles — the list goes on!
week 7 | self-love
Do you love yourself? In what ways do you practice self-love?
week 8 | relationships
In general, how are the relationships in your life (friends, family, coworkers, teachers, mentors, etc.)? What do you consider the closest, healthiest, most important relationships?
week 9 | self-expression
In what ways do you like to express yourself? How do these make you feel?
week 10 | dreams
Feel free to write about nighttime dreams in particular or dreams on a bigger scale.
week 11 | fear
What are some of your biggest fears? Why do these exist, and what are some things you can do to overcome them?
week 12 | inner peace
Have you reached a point of inner peace in your life? What did you have to do in order to do so?
week 13 | self-care
What does self-care mean to you? Do you think it’s selfish? Why or why not? What are some of your favorite self-care activities?
week 14 | strengths
Pick any three of your strengths. Why are you proud of these?
week 15 | weaknesses
In what areas of your life do you need to make improvements? How do impact you as a person? How do you think your life would look without them?
week 16 | time management
What do you spend the most time doing? Do you feel like you have enough time each day or could you benefit from a couple of extra hours?
week 17 | forgiveness
What steps can you take to forgive yourself for your past?
week 18 | joy
When do you feel the most joyful? What’s prohibiting you from experiencing this more often? What are some things you can do to invite small bits of joy into your daily life?
week 19 | boundaries
Do you believe that you have clear, strong, healthy boundaries set in stone in all of your relationships? Are they usually respected, or do people step over them? What can you do to change this? What do you do when someone doesn’t respect your boundaries?
week 20 | success
What do you think about success? Do you think it’s more of a materialistic or internal thing? In what ways have you reached success in your life?
week 21 | financial health
How do you feel about money? Do you believe that it’s scarce or abundant in your life?
week 22 | mental health
Mental health is arguably the most important aspect of your health because it’s the foundation of all other aspects.
What is the current state of your mental health? In what ways do you contribute to a healthy mind?
week 23 | spirituality
Would you consider yourself a spiritual person? What kinds of spiritual activities do you like to do?
week 24 | letting go
Do you usually struggle with letting go of things/people, or do you have a healthier approach?
What’s something you’re holding onto that is stunting your personal growth? Why are you still holding onto this memory or person? How would your life change if you finally let go of them?
week 25 | mindset
Would you argue that you have more of fixed or growth mindset?
week 26 | nostalgia / childhood
What is your happiest childhood memory?
week 27 | self-growth
Why is self-growth important to you? Do you believe that personal growth is a life-long journey? What steps have you taken in your journey so far?
week 28 | emotional health
How’s your emotional health?
week 29 | future self
Write a letter to your future self including how you’re currently doing, your goals for the future and an uplifting message for your future self.
week 30 | abundance
What does abundance mean to you? In what areas of your life are you living in abundance?
week 31 | inspiration
Who or what inspires you? How can you inspire others?
week 32 | new experiences
Reflect on a recent experience. How did impact you?
week 33 | mindset shifts
What mindset shift in your life was the most impactful?
week 34 | communication
Do you consider yourself an effective communicator? Do you prefer verbal or non-verbal communication?
week 35 | your perfect day
Describe your perfect day. Talk about what you’d eat, who you’d spend the day with, what hobbies you’d indulge in, etc.
week 36 | intentionality
Do you do everything with an intention?
week 37 | routines
Are you a routine person or do you just do everything on a whim?
week 38 | love
Love is a strong, powerful, universal word. What real, true love mean to you? Do you have this kind of emotion for anyone in your life? Does anyone have it for you?
week 39 | comparison
Comparison is the thief of joy. Do you find yourself comparing your experiences and such to others? If so, how could you work on that?
week 40 | generosity
Generosity is an attractive trait. Do you consider yourself a generous person? What things do you do to be generous to others?
week 41 | body image
Body image is something that we as a society have been growing more comfortable talking about. What are your thoughts on your body?
week 42 | passion
What or who are you passionate about?
Social media has its advantages and disadvantages. What is your relationship with social media?
week 44 | opportunity
There are all kinds of opportunities — good ones, bad ones, missed ones, ones what were created just for you. What opportunities have you been given recently?
week 45 | patience
Patience is certainly a virtue. Do you consider yourself a patient person? What do you do in times of impatience?
week 46 | authenticity
Authenticity is all about being real and raw. What does being authentic mean to you? What kinds of people allow you to be your most authentic self?
week 47 | guilt
Carrying guilt can be mentally and emotionally taxing. What kinds of guilt are you carrying? What can you do to get that weight lifted off your shoulders?
week 48 | self-talk
In what ways do you talk to yourself? Do you usually talk to yourself in a positive or negative way? How do you speak to yourself when you make a mistake?
week 49 | purpose
What do you believe your purpose in life is?
week 50 | change
If you want change to happen, you have to initiate it. Write about a time when you inspired change in your community.
week 51 | intuition
Your intuition is powerful and can guide many decisions in your life. Do you believe in something such as a “gut feeling?” Do you tend to allow your intuition to guide you?
week 52 | self-worth
How would I show up differently if I believed I was enough just as I am?
need some more ideas? here’s 11 more:
Having healthy habits is critical to your personal growth. What are some habits that you current have that you’re happy about? How did you develop them, and what role do they play in your life?
Confidence is key. Are you confident in yourself? In your abilities? Talents?
limiting beliefs
A limiting belief is a concept or idea that you believe, but is actually getting in the way of you growing and healing. What kinds of limiting beliefs do you hold? Where did these come from, and how long have you had them?
In what ways are you unique?
How do you feel when you’re alone? Do you enjoy alone time, or does it make you feel uncomfortable? How so?
Are you good at making decisions, or are you more of an indecisive person? What steps could you take to progressively become better at making decisions?
How has your perspective on life changed in the last 12 months?
Perfectionism is the enemy of progress. Do you consider yourself a perfectionist? In what ways does having this quality impact your life (both negatively and positively)?
What tasks and responsibilities do you procrastinate the most? Why do you find it difficult to tackle these? What can you do to make these tasks seem less daunting and more approachable?
Vulnerability can be frightening, but also a means for growth. Who do you feel most comfortable being vulnerable with? Why do they make you feel safe?
What seemingly small things bring you joy?
which one of these journal prompts speaks to you the most? tell me in the comments!
Let’s recap!
We made it to the end of the post!
Today, we talked about weekly journal prompts.
I know that journaling can be a bit difficult for beginners, so I hope these weekly journal prompts help you ease into more frequent journaling.
Please remember to take time to take care of yourself!
I know, in this economy, it can be hard to find free things to do that are fun. That’s why I put together a list of 7 free self care activities to enjoy today!
In the midst of chaos, don’t forget to smile,
DeMarcus – your self care buddy

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