Although I am a personal development blogger by profession, I am in no way a mental health professional. See my disclaimer for more info.
Are you ready to start your healing journey? These are my top 34 pieces of advice for how to improve yourself.

Are you feeling lost? Like you used to be the happiest person on Earth, then something changed? It could be a major life event or maybe somebody said something to you that changed the way you look at yourself.
That, my friend, could be a reason to start your healing journey. When I started high school, I thought I’d become a whole new version of myself. I thought I’d make a ton of new friends and become a social butterfly. Let me tell you: that definitely didn’t happen.
Starting sophomore year, it felt like everything was falling apart. It felt like I couldn’t control ANY part of my life. This included my finances, relationships, and mental health. After so long, I knew something had to change.
On the way home from a doctor’s appointment, I went on my phone. I flooded my notes app with all my thoughts and emotions. I knew I needed to change, but I was afraid to. I didn’t know how or when!
Since then, though, I’ve been actively progressing through my self growth journey. I can’t lie; there’s always ups and downs. But I’m proud that I bit the bullet and embarked on this lifelong trek.
If you’re going through something similar, I want to help. In fact, that’s what this blog is all about. I’m here to share my journey with you. In this post, I’m giving you 34 pieces of advice that I’ve learned on my self-discovery journey so far. These have shaped me into a better person in all respects.
I hope you’re ready to dive in — it’s a long one! Let’s get to it.
This post is all about how to improve yourself.
What is self improvement?
First, I’ll tell you what self improvement is NOT.
Self growth isn’t just reading a self-help book or blog post and hoping that your life will magically get better in a week.
I’m not sure why so many people have that expectation, but I’m here to debunk that myth.
Also, you’re going to cause more harm than good if you look at yourself as a problem.
You’re not some calculus problem that you need to solve. Having this mindset will make your journey so much more difficult than it should be.
Give yourself grace! You’re only a human who has valid feelings and emotions.
So now let me tell you what this journey DOES look like!
Self growth is implementing healthy habits and routines to become a healthier version of yourself.
You learn about what things and people in your life aren’t serving you. Then you tackle them in a healthy way.
Emphasis on healthier version. If you really think about it, there’s really no “best” version of yourself if you continue to grow.
I learned this from Pooja and it’s really eye-opening.
For example, if you have a toxic person in your life, you might personally feel that it’s best to cut them out of your life.
You grow all throughout life, not in 30 days. Of course you can start to see changes in a month.
If anything, if you’re seeing early changes, that’s probably a sign that you’re setting some positive goals and building good habits.
But don’t be one of those people who think your healing journey has an endpoint. It’s a JOURNEY for a reason!
Throughout this post, you’ll hear me say these few words pretty often. Just so you don’t get confused, they all have the same underlying meaning:
- self improvement
- self growth
- personal growth
- healing journey
- personal development (journey)
Importance of self improvement:
Self improvement is so important because it’s a journey of self-discovery and healing. You learn about:
- The most important relationship in your life: the one you have with yourself
- How to show up authentically in every area of your life
- The type of people you want to be around
- Your limitless capabilities
- What makes you happy
- Your priorities
- …and so much more!
For example, if there’s a past experience that affects how you feel about yourself today, you can mend that scar through this journey. It’s a really healing process!
Alright, I know that was a lot. But there’s a lot to self improvement, so I want to make sure I cover everything with the knowledge I have.
Now, I’m going to share some of the advice I’ve learned on my own healing journey so far.
Yes, I’m only 18 and I have a LONG way to go, but I feel like I’ve already learned a lifetime of eye-opening lessons.
How to Improve Yourself:
You might be asking:
“How am I supposed to do all this if I’m constantly busy?”
You’ve got the wrong idea! You’re not supposed do EVERYTHING on this list.
Start with one habit and work on it for the next few weeks/months. Once you feel like you’re making some good progress, go ahead and slowly add another one.
You can’t make excuses to avoid bettering yourself. If you can have all these bad habits, you can make room for some good ones. Ones that will really change your life.
At the beginning, you should go from 0 to 1, not 0 to 100.
If you aim too far, you’re setting yourself up for stress, anxiety, and frustration because you’re not seeing the results you want. Don’t do that to yourself!
Let’s start with some short-term self growth tips. These are ones that you can start implementing today.
Usually when people say they don’t like self-help books, it’s because they feel like they didn’t learn anything that they can immediately start doing in their lives.
So, I’m giving you 14 changes that you can make today.
Short-term Self Growth Tips:
Journaling is one of the best things you can do during your personal growth journey. This is a long, transformative process and you’ll want a way to share your thoughts and emotions.
You can do this by journaling. Don’t worry about someone seeing it. That’s what will get in the way of being authentic.
Write like nobody will see it.
Free Daily Journal
This journal is my favorite because it includes a section to mark how you’re feeling before you start writing, plus just enough lines to let all your feelings out.
Journaling is absolutely one of my favorite ways to practice emotional/mental self care, and my free daily journal can help you do just that.
Click here to get the FREE journal now!

Reading gives you some much-needed quiet time. Get lost in a good book for a few minutes or hours!
It’s wild how I’ll plan to read for just a few minutes. But before I know it, I’ve read for 2 hours! How does it happen so often?
Being kind to other people can make you feel good inside. When you do something nice for somebody, you feel good that you helped them.
Even something like holding a door open or paying it forward.
Challenge yourself to do something kind for somebody every week. After a month, see how you feel!
Having a day where you dedicate time to yourself is so great! You get to prioritize yourself.
Instead, you spend time doing what you want. Work on a project you’ve been passionate about. Or take on a new hobby!
This is also a great time to do some chores. You might not have time to do them throughout the week, so you can use Sunday to do some house cleaning.
And you may have heard of the ‘Sunday scaries’. This is where you feel anxious on Sunday because you’re worried about what the week has to bring.
I used to feel this EVERY week. I wouldn’t even look forward to a new week — at all.
But now I do my own version of a Sunday reset and it helps me head into the week with a refreshed mind.
This small habit may not seem like much, but it actually does a lot.
When you make your bed, it motivates you to be productive. It adds that sense of structure to your life.
Plus, you probably won’t want to get back in it because it looks so nice.
I understand that you might not want to do this. It does take a little extra effort every morning. But if you’re feeling a tad extra motivated, spend a few minutes making your bed.
It really makes a big difference. And I know you’ll be proud of yourself for doing it!
Being grateful for what you have boosts your self-confidence.
Instead of being sad about what you don’t have, you can appreciate what you already have.
Did you know that simply smiling can make you feel better? Kinda cool, right?
Even if you don’t actually feel like smiling, you can trick your brain into thinking that you’re happy.
Try it sometime! The next time you’re feeling down, turn that frown upside down.
Now, this isn’t to say you can just smile and push the pain to the side. You need to acknowledge your feelings and deal with them in a healthy way.
But this little science fact is pretty cool to know!
THINK: Who/what made you smile today? Tell me in the comments!
8. TAKE HEALTHY BREAKS & stop overworking yourself
Let me change your mindset about breaks. I don’t have the healthiest mindset about them, but I’m slowly changing it.
Most days, I’ll work for hours before I even consider taking a break. That’s not healthy at all.
It’s important to work, but you don’t want to become a workaholic. Or at least I don’t. That lifestyle is glorified, but it gets exhausting pretty quick.
Your mind and body need frequent breaks so you don’t reach a point of burnout.
Develop a healthy relationship with your academics or work. If not, they can take control over every aspect of your life.
I know it can be hard. You don’t want to pause that work flow that you’re in. BUT, your brain is really trying to tell you that you need some rest.
Even if it’s just 5 minutes! Get away from your work area, drink some water, take a quick walk, eat a snack — whatever!
I BARELY get out the house, so I forget to move my body. (Except when I’m doing a concert in my room, haha.)
I know how important it is to get some physical activity in everyday, though. It keeps your body healthy and in shape.
It isn’t even all about being in shape! It’s also about getting those muscles moving. Don’t keep them bored for too long.
That can be hard with a desk job — trust me, I know that very well with this blog. So, related to the last tip, I’m going to take a break every hour and walk around.
If you’re in a similar boat, you can do the same.
During a study or work session, once you start to feel tired, get up and walk for a few minutes. It gives your brain a break and gets those muscles moving!
There’s great power in knowledge. If you thought you stopped being a student when you graduated high school or college, you’re wrong!
You continue to learn all throughout life. Whether on purpose or not, it happens naturally.
I think that’s my favorite part about all of this. Just learning from different experiences!
You can never know too much. It’s SUCH a privilege to be educated, so don’t take that for granted.
And I don’t just mean academically. Go and find a course or online community for something that you’re interested in. Even if it’s super-niche.
If anything, that makes it more interesting! It could be technology, marketing, graphic design — anything that your heart desires. Learn what you want and do if often.
It’s great to keep an active, healthy brain. And to do that, you’ve got to stay educated.
As an introvert (and a libra), I usually isolate myself. I tend to hold in my emotions, but I’m working on that. If something upsets me, I’m going to be vocal about it.
Because how am I supposed to grow if I don’t tell people how I feel? How is anyone supposed to grow in that case?
Hopefully you can learn from this also! If you tend to keep things to yourself, try to be a bit more vulnerable. I know it can be hard, but you have to open up.
Let your guard down!
I’ll come back to you when I learn more about this because I’m still learning about it myself.
I’ve been big on affirmations lately. If there’s a goal I’m working on, I’ll say an affirming sentence that’s related to that goal.
But here’s the thing with affirmations. You have to actually put in the work! You can’t just say the statement and hope it’ll come true.
As great as that’d be, that just isn’t the case. Affirmations are just part of the process. They’re small daily steps that you can take to reach a bigger goal.
Spiritual health isn’t really talked that much when it comes to self care. But it’s essential!
Connect to a higher power in some way. Depending on your beliefs, this could be different for you.
Maybe you want to:
- Journal
- Pray
- Meditate
- Do yoga
- Go on a nature walk
- Enjoy a sound bath
Whatever you prefer, I encourage you to tap into this important side of your health. It allows you to really look deep into yourself and think about your purpose.
Listen, I’m not saying you have to be an extreme type-A person. That may not be your vibe, and that’s okay!
But, staying organized really does wonders for your productivity and mental health. Once you start organizing things, you realize how helpful it is.
You don’t want to stress yourself out by having clutter in your life. There’s already so many things to think about. Don’t add onto that list of things by being unorganized!
Get yourself a good organization system that works for you. Stick to it!
I use Notion for school, finances, hobbies, and this blog. Yes — all different parts of my life! I seriously don’t know what I’d do without it.
The best part about it is that it’s digital. I can access everything from any device, anywhere, at any time. It’s truly a life-changing software.
That might sound dramatic, but it’s true!
Long-term Self Growth Tips:
Now I’m going to share some more long-term tips.
You can’t exactly start implementing these today and see a huge change in, say, a week. It’s going to take months (or years) before you see a huge change in your mindset and overall health.
But, if you stay consistent and positive, these are 20 great tips for your personal development journey.
Are you big planner? Do you like to sit and plan how you want things to go?
Well, I’m like that, too. And let me tell you: it gets quite repetitive after a while. Because you spend all this time planning, but not enough time doing.
Think about what you could do with this time that you’re using.
This often comes down to procrastination and perfectionism. Both of which I’m a victim.
Here’s a tip: if you find yourself mass-planning, think about what’s holding you back.
Are you afraid to reach out? Do you need more resources? Figure out what’s causing you to stay frozen rather than unthaw.
I don’t want you to just jump into anything either. That could cause more harm than good. Make sure you make informed decisions.
But don’t let time pass you up. Because it will if you let it!
Free Daily Planner
Stop mass-planning! Simplify those thoughts and plans into daily actions. Use my FREE daily planner to help you do just that.
It includes a task list, a notes section, and my favorite part: a daily evaluation, where you reflect on your day!
To get the planner, click here now!

I know you love staying inside. Your bedroom is your safe space.
And you probably prefer to avoid small talk. Trust me — I do, too.
But you can’t grow if you’re staying in the same place. You have to get uncomfortable sometimes.
This could mean taking a walk or standing up for yourself.
Once you start doing this more often, you’ll feel a shift. You’ll be proud of yourself for doing something you didn’t think you could do.
That creates self-confidence!
Money: a touchy, but important topic. You have to grow in all areas of your life, and that includes your finances.
I’m sure you don’t want to live paycheck to paycheck.
Do you?
That’s why you have to learn to manage your finances. Especially in this economy!
It’s SO stressful dealing with debt. I seriously don’t recommend this to anyone.
I beat myself up about it because I spent so much time educating myself about credit cards and checking accounts. I was excited to finally open my own bank account and get my first credit card.
But then before I knew it, my finances were out of control. How could I, an 18-year-old, be so irresponsible with money?
But as I grow, I’m looking at this in a different light. When I get a bit older, I’ll look back at this situation and appreciate that it happened.
I definitely can’t say I’m happy about it right now. But I’ll be glad that I learned these important life lessons.
Hopefully this will teach me to be smarter with my spending habits and save more money.
RELATED POST: 9 Life-Changing Tips on How to Be Financially Free
Being patient will get you far. When you try to rush something, you won’t get the results you truly want.
Sure, you might get something, but over time, you’ll wish that you would’ve just been patient.
This kind of relates to my money story that I just shared. I got my first 3 credit cards only a few months after I turned 18.
Let me just say… The credit gurus don’t lie when they advise not to get a credit card unless you’re mature enough to get one.
I was impatient, so I ignored their advice. I told myself that I could handle it, but I couldn’t keep that promise. At least not very long.
Along with this, don’t over-exaggerate something before it happens. What I mean by this is, if you’re looking forward to something, try not to think about it too much.
If you do, you’re unintentionally telling your brain that it already happened. Then, when it does happen, you’re not as excited as you were before.
To deal with this, trick yourself into believing that you’re not excited about it. Don’t even think about it — at all.
It can be hard to enjoy life when you’re constantly worried about what you think will happen in the future.
Notice I said ‘what you think‘ will happen? Yes; you don’t even know what the future holds. So why are you so anxious?
Oh, I know why.
You’re worried that something won’t go as planned. Or that you won’t be able to pay off that credit card. Or that you won’t find your purpose.
Let’s switch it up. Maybe you’re looking back on the past. Things sure did seem better back then, didn’t they?
Life was simpler compared to now. Standards are much higher and seemingly impossible to live up to.
Realize this: you just have to let things go. Have faith that everything will work out.
I know you’re tired of hearing that. But it’s true! Everything really does work out exactly how it’s supposed to.
It can be hard to realize that in the moment. But in the future, you’ll look back and appreciate that you grew from this experience.
Be present. Don’t live in the past or future. If you do, it will affect your productivity, mental health, and relationships.
Do you just talk without thinking about what you’re sharing?
Sometimes you could be sharing vulnerable things about yourself. But the person probably wouldn’t do the same for you.
Be careful who and what you share things with. It’s healthy to keep some important details of your life to yourself.
You don’t want to share every little piece of yourself to everyone. If you do, you’ll have no privacy. You’re also opening yourself up to judgment.
You’re literally giving them ammo to shoot at you. And you can’t be mad at them because you knowingly gave it to them! Don’t give them sensitive things that they can use against you.
This doesn’t mean that you should be closed off. How can you have close relationships with people if you don’t open up?
I’m saying you don’t want to share too much. And “too much” is anything that you don’t feel comfortable sharing.
This also applies to goals. I believe that you should keep your goals to yourself — at least until you accomplish them.
Here’s 2 reasons I believe this:
1. You’re not 100% sure you’ll reach them
I hate to say this, but it’s true. You’re never really guarantee to accomplish a goal. At least not a long-term one.
2. Other people may not have your best interest in mind
Watch out for the evil eye! It’s real. People will see that you’re striving for success and become jealous.
They’ll be so angry that they start to bring that negative energy toward you. And you don’t want that to happen. So be careful when sharing your goals with others.
If you decide to do it, only share them with people you’re close to. Make sure they’ll fully support you throughout your journey.
Going to therapy allows you to learn, grow, and heal from past experiences.
Even if you haven’t experienced anything traumatic or negative, it’s still a great way to express your thoughts and emotions.
So please don’t think that you have to go through something negative to go to therapy.
You might feel like you can’t or shouldn’t go to therapy for these reasons:
- It’s not worth it
- It’s too expensive
- You feel that your peers won’t support you
- You’re having a hard time finding a good therapist
- You’re “too aware” of your issues
- You don’t have enough time to go to therapy
I understand why you might have these worries. I don’t want to force therapy on you. Maybe it isn’t the right option for you!
But if you are interested, spend some time thinking about how you can find the right resource.
Look here for some mental health resources.
Phones have taken over our lives. They’re one of the first things we think about when we wake up.
Should they be? No, but that’s what we’ve come to.
I encourage you to change your relationship with your phone. Especially if you spend a lot of time on it.
Most of the time, I use my phone for work. If I think of a blog post idea, I’ll open my Notion app and add it.
But I’ll say that I use a little too much. Every once in a while, I look at my screen time and my jaw drops.
How did I spend 8 hours on my phone today?
It gets wild sometimes.
To fix this, I like to dedicate time in my daily routine to have no devices. This includes my:
- Phone
- Laptop
- iPad
- TV
For a good 30 minutes, I avoid all technology and do something that helps my mental health. Usually I either go on a walk, hang out with my brothers, or chill with my dogs.
I honestly don’t realize how healing it feels until I do it. Then I say:
Oh my gosh. I should do this more often!
Try it sometime! There are many great things you can do that don’t involve your phone, like:
- Reading
- Cleaning
- Taking a nap
- Taking a walk
- Hanging out with your family
Hobbies are like lifesavers. They give you things to do when you’re bored or feeling down. I don’t know what I’d do without a good ‘ole hobby.
And the great thing? There are so many of them. Cheap ones, fun ones, productive ones — even ones that you can do to get a little side cash.
You should totally find a hobby that you enjoy. I say ‘enjoy’ because if you don’t like it, what’s the point in doing it?
It should make you feel good and almost make you lose track of time.
Another thing: don’t try to make money from all your hobbies. It will get tiring and you’ll feel like your life is your job.
That’s not fun.
I’m not saying you’ll HATE doing your hobby as a job. Actually, musicians and other creatives love it. But, if you must, pick 1 or 2 hobbies to monetize and then make the rest for pure enjoyment.
If you get bored easily, try changing things up! Switch your environment regularly.
I used to spend a lot of time in my bedroom. I’d isolate myself from my family because I preferred to spend time with myself.
But then I spent a few weeks talking to a counselor at my school. She encouraged me to spend less time in my room. At first, I didn’t want to.
I mean, hello, I’m a teenage boy. Of course I didn’t want to leave my room!
After a while, I started spending more time in my living room. It’s funny because my dad noticed and was shocked that I was in there.
Wow… I really spent that much time in my room?!
And now I really only eat and sleep in my room. Yep, that’s it!
There are some days that I prefer to relax in there the whole day. But I like to spend the majority of the time downstairs. I just feel more connected to everyone.
I’m still working on getting out of the house more often. It amazes me how I could go a whole week without leaving the house. I mean, who does that?
Apparently a lot of people, actually. Especially noawadays. That’s the next thing I need to tackle.
It’s important to spend quality time with yourself and the people you love.
You need a good balance of “me time” and social time. If you don’t dedicate enough time for yourself, you won’t be able to show up 100% for everyone else.
Wait. Let’s think about that a bit. 100%?
That’s probably not realistic. You won’t be 100% all the time, but you’ll definitely be better if you spend some good “me time.”
But you also need to spend time with people you’re comfortable with.
Keyword: comfortable.
It’s draining to hang with people that you can’t be yourself around. Sometimes you can’t help it (like at work or school). But when you can, try to surround yourself with positive, uplifting people.
It can be easy to get stuck in the research phase of your self growth journey. Don’t do this! Get out and enjoy being with other people.
Human connection is essential, more now than ever. We need to unite and talk about the issues that are affecting us.
Talking about these things helps us feel seen. It makes these topics feel just a little less scary and lets us know we can actually form and do things about them.
RELATED POST: 9 Best Self Care Activities for Mental Health
I know making mistakes can be frustrating at times, but you have to be kind to yourself. All throughout your life, you’re a developing human.
You’re going to make mistakes. Beating yourself up over something is only going to make the issue worse. So, address the problem instead.
Then you’ll learn and grow from that experience. It might take a while, but it’ll be worth it.
In the resistance phase of your journey, you’re going to have times where you doubt and critique yourself. It’s inevitable!
You have to remember to be kind to yourself. After all, it’s a journey. The goal is to continue to grow, not to be 100% all the time.
Because that’s unrealistic.
Negative comparison is the enemy and will get you nowhere.
If anything, you should “slow” comparison of yourself to others. Because it’s going to happen naturally.
Reshape your mindset in comparison; be more positive about this.
Instead of “I’m jealous that she has this,” be more positive. Say: “She worked hard for this. I will work hard and get it for myself also.”
As humans, we all compare ourselves to other people. It’s a habit that we have. It could actually be a good one in some ways.
But it could be really bad for our mental health also. Try to catch yourself when you start comparing something about yourself to someone else.
And don’t spiral down into negative thoughts and make yourself feel worse — that’s just as bad!
You’re unique. You’re special. There’s nobody like you, so embrace that!
Say it with me: perfection isn’t real.
The sooner you learn this, the sooner you’ll become a more peaceful person.
We’re always told to strive for perfection. I’m tired of hearing the saying, “practice makes perfect.”
Forget that. I don’t want to be perfect. It’s exhausting!
You spend all this time trying to “perfect” something. Even when you’re done, you’re not satisfied with the end product!
That just creates this toxic cycle that never seems to end.
So instead, let’s strive for completion. Strive to be good at what you. Be okay with being content.
If not, you’ll probably NEVER be satisfied with a project because you’re trying to reach high standards. Even you might not know exactly what you’re trying to achieve.
I started applying this concept and I’ve already seen an improvement in my work.
Instead of trying to write and grammar-check at the same time, I write then edit. I just let the thoughts come out my brain and onto my laptop.
If I don’t really care for a sentence, I’ll deal with it in the editing process. But in the meantime, I’m going to keep writing like my life depends on it.
So no, practice doesn’t make perfect. It leads to consistency and efficiency, which are far better in my opinion.
Sure, it’s great to set goals, pray, and all. But that’s certainly not enough. If you want something, you have to do the work.
It’s like saying you want a million dollars. You can’t just expect that money to magically appear in your bank account.
That would totally be amazing though!
No; you have to put in the hard work, time, and dedication that’s required to earn that money.
This applies to your healing journey. Yes, research is important. Learn about different self care activities and mindset shifts.
But what good is this research if you don’t do anything with it?
Setting goals is just the first step. Taking action is what will help you achieve those goals.
I know with our fast-paced environment, it’s hard to find peace. We’re always on ‘go mode’ and can barely slow down and enjoy the little things in life.
That’s probably why it’s so hard to live in the moment, like I mentioned earlier.
When you’re going so fast, you can’t enjoy what’s happening in front of you. You’re trying to stay caught up with everything that life’s throwing at you. Then, you miss the most beautiful moments.
It really sucks!
To help, try to wake up earlier. Even if it’s just 10 minutes earlier than usual, that can make a huge difference.
You might have time for breakfast, more time to get ready, or even more time to practice gratitude.
31. SET HEALTHY BOUNDARIES & let people go
If you’re wondering why you don’t have strong relationships with people, it’s could be because you don’t have healthy boundaries in place.
You can’t let people walk all over you. I promise; if you let them, they will. They’ll use that power to their advantage.
I know you want to see the best in everyone. But what if they don’t see the best in themselves? This includes friends, family, coworkers — everyone.
You probably understand me if you’re an introvert with a big heart or a people pleaser.
Learn to set healthy boundaries. For example, if someone says something that upsets you, don’t be afraid to tell them.
If you don’t, they’ll think it’s okay to keep saying similar things. And honestly, it’s not completely their fault in that case.
But what would be their fault is this: you tell them that they hurt you, but they keep doing it.
That’s a sign that you need to evalute your relationship with them. Don’t be too quick to cut them off! Maybe you just need to talk with them and share your boundaries with them.
But other times you have to cut people out of your life for your mental health.
It can be hard to do this — especially if you have a tight circle of people. But you have to know when it’s time to do so.
Some people are only in your life for a season, but everyone’s in it for a reason.
Do you ever get that “gut feeling?”
It’s also known as:
- The Holy Spirit
- The universe
- Your intuition
Whatever you call it, it’s a higher power telling you to do or avoid something very specific. It already know’s what’s going to happen in the future.
You just don’t know yet. It’s only a matter of time before you do!
If you don’t already, you should start trusting this feeling more often. It’ll guide you to make some important decisions in your life.
In the moment, you might not understand why something is happening. You’re probably frustrated, confused, sad, or angry. All very valid emotions!
After you experience this, you’ll learn why you went through it. You’ll look back and say:
“Oh, that’s why that happened!”
You can’t go through life alone. You’re going to have to ask for help.
You won’t know everything, and that’s okay. We’re all here to help each other. I hope that I’ve been a good resource for you with your self growth journey.
Individual research is great, but there will be times that you have to ask people for advice. Google can be your best friend, but it can give very surface-level advice sometimes.
If rejection is your concern, think again. You won’t know until you ask!
Not asking at all won’t get you an answer. It’s better to ask and get told no than to not ask at all.
Let’s recap!
We made it to the end of the post!
Today, we talked about how to improve yourself. I shared 34 lessons that I’ve learned on my personal development journey so far.
Remember that this is a lifelong journey. There’s no endpoint! There will be many ups and downs, so you can’t expect to always be happy and 100%.
It’s important to keep a growth mindset through it all.
Now that you have some of these tips, I encourage you to apply some of them to your life. Not all of them — that’d be overwhelming.
What’s one piece of advice that really resonated with you? Implement that one and see how it changes your life.
Please remember to take time to take care of yourself!
In this economy, I know it can be hard to find affordable things to do. So I made a list of 7 free self care activities. Check them out right here!
In the midst of chaos, don’t forget to smile,
DeMarcus – your self care buddy

This post was all about how to improve yourself.
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